Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Getting to Auckland

Oh the fun you have around people. We started this trip June 1, 2010 at 1:45pm by leaving the house. With time changes and such, we didn't have a new hotel room to call ours until June 3 at roughly 9 am. 19 hour time difference in there too. Got to DIA and checked our bags. The lady gave us a hard time for not booking all our flights at one time. Reluctantly she checked them for us all the way to Auckland. That flight was fine and our time at DIA was sitting and waiting. Nothing super fun. At least there was free wifi. 
In LA, we were lucky enough to get to stay on the same terminal so we didn't have to go through security again. Unfortunately, we got in at 6:10 and our next flight didn't leave until 11:45. It was quite the lay over; but if I would have made arrangements any other way, there would have been some freak accident and we miss our flight. I had a gift card from a student and we used that at Chili's. 3 beers, 1 appetizer, a cocktail, and a puddle of water of the bench from my cheap water bottle later, our waiter still hadn't brought us a check. Very annoying. After, we we checked out the entire terminal, 10 minutes if you looked in each store. Then we went to On the Boarder for more drinks. $60 later, Brice finally had the edge off. We walked the terminal, tried to find free wifi (none with a good signal I might add). And got ready for the big plane. I was so tired for the lognest time and then the plan got there, and I was energized.  By the way, LAX is one of the dirtiest airports I have ever been in. Those bathrooms are gross, but I kept going because I didn't want to go on the plan that much.  LAX is a dirty whore... that's how I really feel about it!
Back to the timeline:
Got on board. We had seats right by the bathroom so I didn't have to go far. Then, no one sat next to me. Which means a whole lot more room to sleep and be comfortable. They fed us like crazy ( I am now feeling very fluffy from the flight) I watched "How to train your dragon" it was so stinking cute! Brice covered his head, put on night shade and went to sleep. I took an ambien layered on the clothes and slept. It was great, but there is only so much rest you get on a plane. Ate more, watched part of a movie and we were here. Pretty fast flight for 13 hours! Auckland airport was easy, although we learned beef jerky has rules at customs: only US Beef, and if it isn' t, it can't be opened. Found our shuttle and went through the bumps and turns to get to our hotel. I have this thing with flying and vertigo... they go hand in hand. I landed and the world feels in motion, all the time. Oh, my fabulous water bottle spilled all over my lap in the shuttle, so I looked like I wet myself. That was fun. 
The man at the front desk was a little reluctant to let us check in but I gave him a little sad story and we were good. How nice of him to let us get it early. I changed and went to the hotel gym for a little sweating after the booze, bread, and general crap I ate while sitting stationary. It felt good, even though everything is still moving when I'm not. Showered, and that felt good but I almost fell over from the spinning thing. We got ready and headed out to find A1 sushi. My Lonely Planet book said they had all you can eat for $13 and a little train that passed with sushi on it. No luck there but it was a cool lunch. I was stuffed, and  a little less dizzy and Brice wanted more. He is on this gastronomical travel plan. I chalk this up to a lot of Anthony Bourdane in the last few weeks. We went half a block down to Sumo Sushi and it was like fast food sushi. It was all in boxes ready to eat. He got more sashimi and the lady took our picture. I love that. After I forced him into a couple stores and now its nap time... for him. I'm blogging ;) Later we are headed to the Minus 5 bar. Everything is made of ice and well... -5 celcius. I have waited 5 years to go there... didn't get to the first time around. Its going to be great. Planning on going to the casino as well. Maybe we can win a few kiwi dollars. And now... I'm napping to get rid of the spins :) Pictures are on facebook :)Facebook Album <- click the word Facebook to see pictures. 

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